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These are the first pictures I've printed for the semester. They were shot with flash and I was so scared when I initially shot, but after seeing the results, it's safe to say that I LOVE FLASH! lol
I plan on scanning all the final prints I do while in college and turning them into some sort of Blub book, I think it would be a nice, organized keepsake of all my photo work.
The next project we have is to shoot an entire roll of film of our hands and/or feet. I think I need a pedicure before that one....
Posted at 06:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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shocked that October starts on Saturday. This semester is flying.
sick of this heat! I'm fine with it being in the 90s everyday but 100s?..IT'S SEPTEMBER!
photographing using a flash on a film camera... It was more enjoyable than I thought.
reading... ha, textbooks. Who has time to read for pleasure during school again?
listening to Ellie Goulding, especially when I'm working on projects.
excited for... Fall clothes, scarves, books, jeans, sweaters. :)
found via pinterest
Posted at 08:37 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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College is hard. I have had a very hard week. and I don't understand how people do school AND work. insanity.
This week was very humbling. It's the fourth week of classes and I feel like a ton of bricks hit me. My cultural foundations class is pretty easy to manage and I didn't even have ethics this week because my teacher was pneumonia. But my other classes came at me hard. The project that I posted the sneak of the other day has revealed that it is way more time intensive than I had predicted, however, I'm hoping that all the tedious work pays off in the end. Photo 2 took a turn on me this week when my professor switched two weeks and I have a project due tuesday which I have not shot any film for. and it's with flash. and I'm freaking out because flash has so many variables to think of before you shoot. I had high hopes for History of Graphic design because I thought it would be really interesting, but the first few chapters we've been going over have been beaten to death and I thought we would be doing more hands on projects in that class.
To summarize how I really feel, I have felt like a walking zombie this past week and am so thankful that it is the weekend/Brett's birthday. Thursday after class I took a 2 hr and 30 minute nap and it was the most wonderful thing on the world. I am just way sleep deprived and so anxious about school that I am in desperate need for this weekend to let go and let God.
I know this post is extremely text heavy, but I think it's important for me to be able to go back and reflect that I worried too much and that if God brings you to it, He can bring you through it.
Posted at 06:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (2)
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Posted at 03:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
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I went to Houston for the weekend and it was fantastic because IT RAINED THERE! and I got to avoid all the ACL crowds in town.
The drive back was beyond awful, leaving Austin at 4pm is not a good idea, it took me 30 minutes to get out of the city, which should have taken 10.
It rained TWO days while I was home, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. I enjoyed it by sitting on the couch with my kitty cat with the curtains open watching it rain. (Have I mentioned pretty much the whole state of Texas hasn't had a substanciable amount of rain in over a year? crazy)
Saturday, my dad got home from a trip to Atlanta and we went out to eat at Carrabba's. yuuummmmm
I did a ton of homework while I was home too, and again I'm obsesed with my cat.
ignore how tired I look in these pictures, I had just woken up from a nap.
Friday my mom & I made these shirts that I had found the tutorial for earlier in the week.
It took up a big chunk of the day and we also made the scaves I have shown below.
Sunday I went to church with my parents, took a nap on the couch and watched football. Once I got back to Austin, Brett and I finally went and saw the bats fly out from under the South Congress Bridge. It was insane and there were hundreds of thousands of bats. I didn't manage to get any pictures and we missed their initial fly out so I think we're going to go back at an earlier time to get a better look.
Posted at 09:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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I would hate to know the number of hours I've spent on Pinterest this past week, but regardless, it has yet to fail me. I saw so many pretty things, here are my favorites from the week:
I've been obsessed with looking at kitchens lately.
Everytime I see this I start actually laughing out loud.
I would love to have this in a giant walk in closet- dare to dream
anticipating october/autumn so I can decorate pumpkins like these!
these words are too true about living in the South.
oh my gosh mouth is salivating...yum
I could never make cookies that look this pretty... hook em!
I need to remember this
the tummy is nice.. i guess? but the glitz on the jeans is totally D.I.Y. & I love it.
..this happens everytime I'm home
Posted at 06:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
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I made it to Houston! I saw this survey on this blog last night & thought how neat it would be to fill out each year and see what answers change (besides the age one)
A. Age: 21
B. Bed size: Queen
C. Chore that you hate: sweeping. I'd rather just get the vacuum out.
D. Dogs: Want one desperately!
E. Essential start to your day: reading twitter on my phone & drinking coffee
F. Favorite color: green
G. Gold or Silver: It used to be silver, but I've really started to love gold
I. Instruments you play: none
J. Job title: student and wanna be blogger
K. Kids: 0
L. Live: Austin, TX the best place on earth.
M. Mother’s name: Rhonda
N. Nicknames: I don't think I have any except being called by my last name.
O. Overnight hospital stays: 0, thank goodness
P. Pet peeves: calling me by the wrong name, my name is not mary or maria, my name is Marie, one of the most common middle name for girls in America.
Q. Quote from a movie: "They didn't agree on much. In fact they rarely agreed on anything. They fought all the time and they challenged each other everyday... ...But in spite their differences, they had one important thing in common, they were crazy about each other." The Notebook
R. Right or left handed: right
S. Siblings: 0, I'm the one and only
U. Underwear: everyday
V. Vegetable you hate: this is difficult, I love veggies, uh... onions.
W. What makes you run late: underestimating how long it'll take me to get ready
X. X-Rays you’ve had: teeth, ankle and shoulder/back
Y. Yummy food that you make: pepperoni pizza rolls, jalapeno poppers
Z. Zoo animal: giraffe ?
Posted at 06:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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